$2,000 for Rainforest Innovations data transmission patent prior art

A new PATROLL contest, with a $2,000 cash prize, was added seeking prior art on at least claim 1 of U.S. Patent 8,265,096, owned by Rainforest Innovations, an NPE and entity of The University of New Mexico. The ‘096 patent generally relates to a method of constructing a frame structure for data transmission. The present invention relates to orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA) systems, and more particularly, the present invention relates to methods for constructing frame structures in OFDMA systems. The patent is currently asserted against Toyota, ZyXEL, D-Link, AsusTek, and TP-Link.

The contest will expire on December 8, 2023. Please visit PATROLL for more information and to submit an entry for this contest.